My "DCP Application Process" Infographic
Hello all you nightowls out there! It is currently 4:08am and I decided to take a short break from studying during this [lovely]...
Vlog #4: Update & Disney Parks Tag!
Look at me go! I actually managed to get a video edited and write out a normal blog today! Let's just hope all this positivity and luck...
Hello Again! I Have Not Forgotten You!
Well, it's been a bit since I've actually written a post and not just linked my lastest vlog so I figure during my completely boring...
Vlog #3: Breaking Down the Beat
My third blog is now posted on YouTube and it is a little different than my first two vlogs. This one is a how to video for some basic...
Vlog #2: The Application, WBI, & Scheduling Your Phone Interview
After much trial and tribulation, but 2nd vlog is FINALLY posted on YouTube! I talk about the initial application, the WBI, and how to...