March 3, 2015 – March 15, 2015
Friday, March 6, 2015
One of the best parts about working for Disney is obviously that you can go to the parks for free. And one of the best parts about that, and especially because I work in the Magic Kingdom, is that you can just casually go into the park for an hour or so after work and it’s so simple! So today I went into MK after my shift specifically to ride the People Mover, because that’s one of my favorite rides and I hadn’t been on it during my program yet. I was able to walk around, see the newly revealed Hub, and since it was a much cooler night, watch Celebrate the Magic from directly behind the Partner’s Statue! It was an amazing spot and just a really calm and much needed night.

Monday, March 9, 2015
Some of my days off are spent doing chores and at home and then others are jam-packed with Disney experiences! Today was happily one of those Disney days. Although all of my roommates and coworkers were either at work or visiting with out-of-state friends and family, I got all ready to head out to the parks after class by myself. I spent the first half of the day in Animal Kingdom. I finally got to ride Dinosaur, I walked around, and of course watched the Festival of the Lion King (because a trip to DAK is not complete without doing so!).

I was then debating whether or not I wanted to head home, but instead I jumped on a bus and headed to EPCOT! I visited with Nemo and his Friends under the sea, journeyed with Figment into his Imagination, and traveled around the world. More specifically I traveled around the world and got to experience the Flower & Garden Festival. Now, as beautiful as all the flowers and topiaries are, the little stands with food and drinks are by far the best part!

What I Tried [Thus Far]:
"Piggylicious" Bacon Cupcake with Maple Frosting and Pretzel Crunch
Key Lime Sparkling Wine
Beef Brisket Burnt Ends Hash with White Cheddar Fondue and Pickled Jalapenos
Pineapple Soft Serve with Parrot Bay Coconut Rum
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
I finally got to experience Zaxby’s and I fully support this chain moving from just the South to up North as well! Let’s make it happen people!

Saturday, March 14, 2015
TODAY IS DAPPER DAY AND I REFUSE TO LET WORK MAKE ME MISS THIS ONE! If you don’t know, Dapper Day is an unofficial Disney holiday where people get dressed up in nice or vintage clothes, or Disney bound.
**Disney bounding is when you subtly resemble a Disney character, while dressed in [mostly] casual clothing. Color has a lot to do with Disney bounding. For example, for a female, a sparkly green skirt, purple top, and red bow in your hair could easily be recognized as Ariel.**
Dapper Day is somewhat of a tribute to the beginnings of Disney, when people truly would get dressed up to go out, even to an amusement or theme park.
Although I was not nearly as dressed up as so many of the people in Magic Kingdom were today, I did wear my most vintage-esque dress that I have down here with me into the park before work. My main goal was to walk around and see everyone’s outfits/costumes. From kids in strollers, to Cast Members, to old couples were dressed up as dapper as could be. I spent my time people watching, seeing Mickey’s Philhar Magic, and eating Dole Whip again! It was such an unreal experience to walk around and be thrown back in time here and there and it all makes me wish that every day were Dapper Day and that people dressed up all the time.

Magical Moments
Truth be told, I’ve been a little down at work. The monotony of the food & beverage industry has hit me again. But I’ve been trying to make up for my lack of spirit by trying to make magic for our Guests!
I was seating this family with 3 young girls the other day. When we got to their table, one of the little girls got upset because she couldn’t sit next to her sister because of how the table was set. I immediately told the girls that I was going to get them crayons and coloring pages because I wanted to see what they’d draw. As soon as I brought them over all three girls got to coloring right away. A little later, as I was setting the table next to them I asked how their pictures were coming along and their dad mentioned that I better judge their pictures fairly, as if it were a coloring contest. So naturally, if this has turned into a coloring contest, I needed to make sure I had a prize for the winner. I went and talked to one of my leaders, Jackie, and she gave me 3 of the little light-up Ariel straw clips that kids love. I then hid them in my pocket and went over to the family and asked to see all three pictures so I could judge them and pick a winner! I milked it a little and looked at all three before telling them that I couldn’t pick so they all won and a proper coloring contest calls for prizes. As I gave them each their small prize, their faced lit up. Their dad asked if I was a childhood education major actually, but what their mom said almost made me cry right there at the table. She started out by telling me that I made their day, but then she told me that I was their hero. Those words hit me hard and it was one of the nicest things I’ve ever been told. As magical as it was for the girls, it was truly magically for me as well!
This one was much simple. Again as I was seating a family, one of the ladies in the party mentioned in passing that she had broken her sunglasses. Again I went to my leader and asked if we could write her a No Strings voucher for her to get another pair of sunglasses. I wasn’t sure it my leader had done that, but when I was setting a table by where they were eating later on, the lady called me over by name and asked if I had said anything about her glasses because someone had come over and given her the very voucher I had inquired about. Even though she hadn’t asked for it, she said she was so grateful for my small magical moment. And to her it clearly wasn’t about the monetary value of the gift, but rather that I had listed to what she had said and surprised her.
This magical moment is the largest of the three this time around. Again as I sitting a family, I was discussing how their day was going. And as we were walking through the restaurant they mentioned that their day was amazing except that they were previously in line to meet Cinderella and Rapunzel before their dinner reservation. Despite the sign saying that their wait would be 30 minutes, after that allotted time, they had barely moved and had to get out of line and check-in with us for their dinner. One of the little girls seemed truly sad about that so I wanted to see if there was anything I could do. Now normally our No Strings Fast Pass vouchers aren’t for meet and greets, but as soon as I was talking to our Assignor and Leader about the situation, Joe and Jackie respectively, Jackie went directly upstairs to the Entertainment offices to see if we could make some magic for the family. I almost screamed when Jackie told me that she had gotten a special Fast Pass made for the family in conjunction with Entertainment so the family could pick up their wait for the princesses in the Fast Pass line after dinner. I then got to present this to the table and they couldn’t believe it. They were speechless and I felt amazing for being able to give them that. We didn’t want then to have felt as though they wasted their time, especially because their reservation they interfered with the time was at our restaurant. It was truly magical for all again and these moments are what make me love my job even when things are seeming down!
Roommate Lovin’
Umm, if I haven’t yet typed it, I have the best roommates ever. There are always surprises left at home to be found. <3

Latenight-Afterwork Dinner at Wendy's
It has somewhat become an afterwork tradition, although sporadic, to go get dinner at Wendy’s since it’s less than a 5 minute walk from Vista Way. My friend Victoria is always there with me, but our company constantly changes. Hannah went with us the other night, Tyler, Bethany, and a few others at prior times as well. It is much-appreciated fast food and great time spent with the people I work with…but luckily NOT while working. These people are like a second family, however dysfunctional they may be and I love getting to spend more time with them like this.