I'm going to be 100% honest with you, as appreciative as I am to have free transportation down here, Transtar is absolutely terrible. So I'm here to tell you how I've survived in the Transtar world and hope that it helps you as well!
How to "Transtar"
Download the Rider/TransLoc app. This app tracks the buses in real time and lets you know how long it'll take for each bus to show up. Now I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 and my app looks and works differently than the iPhone one. I have to select which bus routes I want to view and then it takes me to the map view. From there I want to find the point on the map of where I'm located and click on it and it will pull up the wait time(s) for the routes I selected.
Do not lose the physical, paper bus times guide that you're give your first week! As great as the app is, it won't tell you what times the bus will come later that day or even for the next day. In order to get up and ready for work in time each day, I consult the paper guide prior to going to bed so I know what time to be ready by. The app is then good for in the morning to see of that particular bus you selected is running on time.
I am not kidding when I say this: leave early. Always. Transtar waits for no one and is incredibly unreliable. Transtar also has a tendency to spend 20 or so minutes (sometimes) at Vista while the bus drivers switch, use the restroom, and take breaks. Give yourself more time than you actually need. For me, my ride to MK, including my shuttle from Westclock to the Tunnels, runs about an hour. I actually leave my apartment 2 hours ahead of time though! This gives me an hour of commute and an hour in the Tunnels before my shift. As excessive as it seems, the reason I do this is because if my bus doesn't show up and the next one isn't for half an hour or so, I still will be able to take that one and arrive at work on time. I usually look at my bus times guide and look at the route that geta me there right before I have to clock in and then move from bus time back. That then always gives me a fall back time in case Transtar or I is running behind.
Try to be nice and let the people in costumes leaving work take the seats before you do if you were just playing in the parks. Some people have been standing on there feet for as many as 12 hours that day and may have to be back in less than 12 hours to start that again. Be courteous, please.
Time out your walk from your apartment to the bus stop so you know how long it takes. My walk takes about 3 minutes and I tend to leave my house 10-15 minutes before the bus's scheduled arrival time so I have no chance of having to run for the bus...because that's NOT fun and most of the time unrewarding because the bus, as I said earlier, waits for no one. Especially runners.
When the bus pulls up, first, make sure you have your Housing ID out and ready. No one feels like waiting for you to dig around in your bag for it. And second, wait that obligatory second or so to let anyone getting off actually get off the bus. Most bus drivers will stop you from getting on with a slightly annoyed look if you try to prematurely get on.
The Bus Stops
Patterson doesn't have a bus stop. You have to walk across to Chatham's bus stop.
Chatham, The Commons, and Patterson are all in walking distance from each other, but you can also take a bus to from the Commons to Chatham, and vice versa. However, you always need to take the bus to Vista Way because it is not in the same area. In my next section I'll tell you about which buses get you to which complex the quickest.
Each complex's bus stop, excluding Patterson, is located relatively close to the front desk/Clubhouse.
General Transtar Information
Dispatch Office: 407-560-1175
For on request pick-ups, questions, lost & found)
Transportation Hotline: 407-827-1247
For concerns and suggestions only
Leave message, name, apartment, & phone number
Email: wdw.college.program.transportation@disney.com
Getting to Know the Routes
The Commons
Buses that stop at the Commons
A, C, E, F, H, J, M
Buses from Commons directly to Vista (no stops in between)
C, E
Buses from Commons directly to Chatham (no stops in between)
A, F, H, J, M
Vista Way
Buses that stop at the Commons
All buses stop at Vista Way
Buses from Vista directly to Chatham (no stops in between)
D, K
Buses from Vista directly to Commons (no stops in between)
F, H, J, M
Chatham Square
Buses that stop at Chatham Square
All buses stop at Vista Way
Buses from Chatham directly to Vista (no stops in between)
A, B, G
Buses from Chatham directly to Commons (no stops in between)
C, E
Additional Notes
A Bus
The Commons, Chatham Square, Vista Way, Wilderness Lodge Service Area, Contemporary Tennis Court, Magic Kingdom West Clock & Disney University
Delays will occur during nights when a park has perimeter fireworks.
B Bus
Chatham Square, Vista Way, Polynesian Resort, Grand Floridian Parking Lot, Magic Kingdom West Clock & Disney University, TTC Space #28
Delays will occur during nights when a park has perimeter fireworks.
The Commons is on request after 18:00
C Bus
Chatham Square, The Commons, Vista Way, Epcot Cast Service Building
D Bus
Vista Way, Chatham Square, Port Orleans French Quarter, Port Orleans Riverside, Port Orleans Cast Services, WDW Telecom. and Disney Event Group (on request only), Saratoga Springs Cast Services, Old Key West, Saratoga Springs (Golf-Ops turn around)
The Commons is on request after 18:00
E Bus
Chatham Square, The Commons, Vista Way, Yacht & Beach/Lynx Bus Stop, Boardwalk Lynx Bus Stop, Hollywood Studios Cast Services, WDW Swan & Dolphin and Fantasia Gardens Miniature Golf (on request only)
F Bus
Vista Way, The Commons, Chatham Square, Typhoon Lagoon Leisure Stop, Typhoon Lagoon Cast Parking Lot, Team Disney (on request only), Downtown Disney Cast Services
G Bus
Chatham Square, Vista Way, Caribbean Beach Custom House, Old Port Royal, Caribbean Beach Cast Services, Pop Century, Art of Animation Resort
The Commons is on request after 18:00
H Bus
Vista Way, The Commons, Chatham Square, Walmart (on Turkey Lake Rd.), Post Office, Publix/Walgreens
Does not operate on Christmas Day.
J Bus
Vista Way, The Commons, Chatham Square, DAK Wardrobe- Front Door, DAk Cast Parking Lot/Bus Shelter, DAK Lodge Cast Entrance, Wide World of Sports
K Bus
Vista Way, Chatham Square, All Star Cast Services, All Star Sports, All Star Music, All Star Movies, Blizzard Beach Bus Stop 1, Blizzard Beach Cast Services, Coronado Springs Cast Services
M Bus
Vista Way, The Commons, Chatham Square, Florida Mall (by Macy’s)
Last pick-up at FL Mall is 20:45 and only returns/no pick-ups at housing.
M bus operates on different days by month:
Monday/Thursday – January, May, September
Tuesday/Thursday – February, June, October
Wednesday/Thursday – March, July, November
Friday/Thursday – April, August, December
Does not operate on Christmas Day.
On the physical times guide, any highlighted yellow squares are when the drivers change at Vista Way.