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* Alex's Adventures in Disney *

Disney College Program, Spring 2015

Sample Phone Interview Questions

I would just like to start out by saying that I am so proud of myself that I already have posted 4 times (including this post)!! Well anyway, this post is going to be the HUGE list that I've complied over the past year. This is the list that I just finished going through and answering ALL of the questions for my interview on THURSDAY!!!! I cannot believe it is so close! (:

I figures since I was so greatful to find other people's posted sample phone interview question lists, that I should return the favor. So prepare yourself you this INSANE amount of questions below, and I hope this helps!

Oh, just a few notes before you go ahead and read the list..

  1. Please let me know if I'm missing any questions you've seen on other vlogs and blogs, or if you were personally asked. I'll certainly add them to my collection for others to read.

  2. I've heard that this year the interviewers are focusing A LOT on past/work experience so that heading is highlighted. Apparently they aren't asking what are your Top 3 roles, rather what Top 3 roles are you qualified for. Keep that in mind and I'll tell you all Thursday nigth if that holds true for my phone interview as well.

  3. Also, if anyone knows of any more Character Performer questions please let me know. I've seen none around and they two I've listed are no brainers for that category. I'm curious to heard what you've read/been asked.

DUN DUN DUN DAHHHHH! Presenting Alex's Huge Compilation of Disney Phone Interview Study Questions:

  1. “Disney Look” Questions

  • How do you feel about the Disney Look? Could you comply with it?

  • Do you have any tattoos or body modifications?

  1. General Questions

  • Why do you want to work with Disney/participate in DCP?

  • What does it mean to you to be a Disney Cast Member?

  • What does Disney mean to you?

  • What did you like about it? What’s your favorite memory there and why? Describe a magic moment you’ve had in the Disney parks.

  • Are you familiar with the Disney parks and other parks in the area?

  • What does being in Florida mean to you?

  • What do you want to get out of this internship?

  • Why did you choose to apply to this internship at this moment in your college career?

  • How do you think the program will help you professionally?

  • Name 3 positive qualities about yourself.

  • Name 3 negative qualities about yourself?

  • What are some words your employer, coworker, or professor would use to describe you?

  • Describe a situation where you had to work with a difficult person. (Boss, coworker, professor, customer, etc.)

  • What are you most looking forward to in the program?

  • Describe a time at your previous job in which you made someone happy.

  • What do you plan on doing after college?

  1. “About Me” Disney Questions

  • What Disney character is most like you and why?

  • What is your favorite Disney movie?

  • What is your favorite Disney ride and why?

  • What is your favorite Disney park and why?

  • What is your favorite Disney character and why?

  • What is your favorite Disney song and why

  1. Preference Questions

  • At which park or resort would you prefer to work? (Tip: take a look at the location’s hours, attractions, restaurants, shops, etc. before you make your selection.)

  • How would you feel about working outdoors in the Florida heat/rain?

  • Do you prefer to work as a team or individually?

  • At what pace do you prefer to work?

  • Do you mind working mornings, evenings, overnight, weekends, and holidays?

  • Can you stand for hours at a time outside?

  • Do you prefer and indoor or outdoor environment

  1. Roommate/Housing/Living Questions

  • Do you think it would be a big adjustment to move this far from home?

  • What would you do if your apartment roommates weren’t cleaning up after themselves?

  • How do you feel about living with 1-7 roommates?

  • What part of the housing situation are you most looking forward to?

  • What do you think would be the worst part about the Disney-provided housing and why?

  • What would you do if a roommate wouldn’t cooperate with your sleep schedule

  1. Prior Experience Questions

  • What makes you a good candidate for DCP?

  • What can you offer the Company?

  • Share an experience you’ve had with excellent guest service.

  • Why are you qualified for your Top 3 roles?

  • Previous work experience?

  • If you’ve had a job before, what did you like and dislike about it?

  • Talk about an experience you’ve had with good customer service.

  • Explain your previous jobs and how they might help you with your chosen roles.

  • What experience do you have with children

  1. Service/Job-Related Questions

  • General

  • How would you make a guests day?

  • Name a time when you had to multi-task to complete a job and how did it effect the end results of what you were trying to accomplish?

  • How would you handle a repetitive schedule or task?

  • How would you handle a guest who needs help but doesn't speak your language?

  • How would you manage getting tasks completed while being interrupted by guests, etc?

  • How would you greet guests?

  • Have you ever handled money/are able to handle a register?

  • How would you handle an emergency at the parks?

  • In what ways would you provide excellent guest service?

  • Can you handle working 40+ hours a week?

  • Quick-Service Food & Beverage

  • Let’s say you were selling pretzels that cost $1.50 each. A guest wants to buy three and gives you a $10 bill. How much change do you give them?

  • If you were working merchandise or QSFB and you had a guest in front of you while the phone is ringing, what would you do?

  • Are you comfortable preparing simple food items, which may include using a fryer, grill, or other cooking equipment?

  • Would you be willing to wash dishes or bus tables?

  • Are you comfortable selling alcohol?

  • Are you able to multitask?

  • Are you comfortable handling cash and using a cash register?

  • How do you feel about working independently at a food cart?

  • Can you handle working in a fast paced environment?

  • Have you ever worked in the foodservice industry before? If so, what was your job?

  • Are you comfortable working with large amount of people?

  • Merchandise

  • Have you handled a register/cash before?

  • Can you multitask?

  • Have you ever had to deal with children and families before?

  • Have you ever had to meet quotas before?

  • Will you be able to pin trade with guests? Will you be comfortable with children touching your lanyard and asking to trade?

  • What would you do if you were working merchandise and the store didn’t have the specific Tinkerbelle shirt a girl was looking for?

  • How would you make someone's experience magical if you were working as a merchandise cast member?

  • Are you comfortable suggesting items to guests based on first impressions?

  • Are you willing to work independently outdoors at a cart?

  • Attractions

  • What would you do if you were working an attraction and a guest was too short to ride?

  • Have you ever had to give a presentation for a lot of people, especially with the use of a microphone? How did you feel doing so?

  • Have you ever had to memorize a presentation and then deliver it in front of a group of people?

  • What experience have you had speaking in front of crowds? Are you comfortable doing so?

  • What would you do if you messed up your spiel?.

  • What would you do if a child wants to ride Space Mountain, but is too short?

  • What would you do if a guest wanted to get on an attraction but it was out of service?

  • How would you feel about operating a ride?

  • Would you be willing to help with crowd control during a parade?

  • Sometimes attractions can get repetitive. How do you stay alive and alert?

  • Custodial

  • Are you comfortable with emptying trashcans (which may include shooing bees or flies) and lifting heavy garbage bags?

  • Are you willing to bus tables in restaurants and outdoors?

  • Are you comfortable working for long periods of time outside in the heat, rain, or cold?

  • Have you ever had experience cleaning?

  • Are you allergic to any chemicals, cleaning supplies, or latex?

  • Can you handle talking to multiple people and multi-tasking?

  • Can you carry up to 50lbs?

  • Main Entrance Operations

  • How would you maintain the magic in main gate operations and as guests enter the park?

  • Have you ever had to deal with large groups of people before?

  • Have you worked register/handled cash before?

  • Are you comfortable delivering long speeches on a microphone?

  • How would you make a guest feel special as they enter a park?

  • Are you willing to drive a large parking tram?

  • What do you say to families that are visiting for the first time to help enhance the magic?

  • Are you willing to help with crowd control during parades and park openings?

  • Lifeguard

  • Have you been a lifeguard before?

  • Are you CPR certified?

  • Can you watch groups of people at one time?

  • Can you multitask?

  • Are you comfortable working for long periods of time in the Florida heat?

  • Are you willing to work in another role during off-peak seasons?

  • Are you comfortable with spending long periods of time standing in water?

  • Do you believe you are able to pass the swim test?

  • Recreation

  • Are you willing to train with watercraft, arcades, and other recreational facilities?

  • Do you believe you will be able to pass the swim test?

  • Are you willing to work in another role during the off-seasons?

  • How do you feel about working for long periods of time outdoors and around water?

  • Can you take charge of an emergency situation?

  • Are you CPR certified?

  • Can you pass a swim test?

  • Full Service Food & Beverage

  • Are you comfortable handling cash and using a register?

  • Are you willing to spend long periods of time rolling silverware, and folding napkins?

  • Have you ever managed a seating chart, or are you willing to learn?

  • Have you ever worked in a sit-down restaurant before?

  • Are you comfortable serving food and alcohol?

  • What qualities should a host/hostess have in a restaurant?

  • Do you like working in a fast paced environment?

  • What would you tell a guest if they wanted to eat at a restaurant, but there are no tables available for several hours?

  • Can you multitask?

  • PhotoPass Photographer

  • What experience do you have working with cameras/comfortable operating digital cameras?

  • Have you ever worked with a DSLR camera before?

  • What is your experience with Photoshop?

  • Would you be able to handle carrying the equipment in the heat/rain for up to 8 hours at a time?

  • How do you feel about achieving monthly sales goals and suggesting products?

  • Are you comfortable working in several different parks, potentially all in the same week?

  • How do you feel about a guest refusing a picture?

  • What would you say to a guest if someone wants his/her picture taken immediately?

  • Housekeeping

  • Are you comfortable working with cleaning chemicals?

  • How do you feel about working in a guest’s room while they are not there?

  • Are you able to work independently with little to no guest contact?

  • Are you allergic to any chemicals, cleaning supplies, or latex?

  • Can you lift up to 50lbs?

  • Can you handle standing on your feet for up to 8 hours at a time?

  • Can you multitask?

  • Hospitality

  • What would you do if you were working the front desk and a guest wanted a specific type of room but none were available?

  • How comfortable would you be being trained on and working with a computer reservation system?

  • How would you make a guest feel special as they are just starting their Disney vacation?

  • Are you comfortable talking to guests on the phone?

  • Are you comfortable handling large amounts of cash?

  • Have you ever had to take charge of a situation?

  • How do you handle an upset guest?

  • Hopper

  • Are you comfortable with working in multiple locations and parks?

  • Are you willing to learn the set-up and layout of multiple parks, areas, and stores?

  • Are you comfortable handling a register/money?

  • Bell Service Dispatch/Greeter

  • Are you willing and able to carry heavy (up to 50lbs) luggage (including overhead)?

  • Are you comfortable talking to guests on the phone?

  • Are you comfortable being the first CP that a guest interacts with on their vacation?

  • Have you ever worked in hotel service before?

  • Have you ever been in charge of handling other people’s things?

  • How will you enhance the magic while you’re working?

  • Vacation Planner

  • What do you think the duties of a vacation planner are?

  • Do you like to talk with guests?

  • Can you help navigate guests with a map and help them understand what’s going on in the park?

  • Are you comfortable handling large amounts of money, achieving monthly sales goals, and working with a register?

  • How do you feel about working in multiple parks, potentially all four in a week?

  • Are you willing to help with crowd control during parades?

  • Are you comfortable working with a computerized ticket system offering over 128 different ticket combinations?

  • How do you work while under pressure?

  • Costuming

  • Are you comfortable operating an advanced costume checkout computer?

  • Are you willing and able to carry heavy (up to 50lbs+) costumes to different locations?

  • Would you be comfortable working independently?

  • How do you feel about working “backstage” with minimal guest contact?

  • Are you willing to operate basic laundry equipment?

  • Have you ever worked in a Laundromat or with large amounts of clothing before?

  • Do you know how to iron, steam, sew, wash, or take care of clothing?

  • Will you be able to work large machine and computers?

  • Can you multitask?

  • Can you carry up to 50lbs?

  • Character Attendant

  • How would you react if a child was being violent with a character?

  • What does character integrity mean to you?

  • What would you tell guests if you had to turn them away because a line is closing for the day?

  • What would you do if a child was afraid of a character?

  • How do you explain to a child why a character doesn’t talk?

  • How would you say “(Mickey, Cinderella, Ariel, Donald, the Beast) has to leave?”

  • Character Performer

  • Any experience in theatre, dance, acting, performing in general?

  • Have you ever been to an audition before?

  • Boutique Hostess/Pirate League

  • Do you have any salon experience?

  • Do you have any childcare experience?

  • Have you done hair/make-up before?

  • What would you do if you were working at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique and had a timid princess who wasn’t very receptive to getting her hair and makeup done?

  • Concierge

  • Have you worked in a hotel/resort before?

  • If I were with two young children and my husband, where would you suggest we spend the day?

  • Will you be able to take charge of a situation?

  • Do you know all the areas of the parks and all the rides?

  • Are you comfortable using the phone for your job?

  • What do you think the duties of a concierge are?

  • How are you experienced for this role?

  • Do you have any experience handling cash, including foreign currency, and traveler’s checks?

  • How do you feel about being trained on a computer system?

  • What do you expect when you stay at a Disney Resort?

  • Transportation

  • Why do you think transportation is so important at Disney?

  • Do you have a valid driver’s license?

  • Are you comfortable memorizing and delivering long speeches?

  • Are you comfortable talking to other CM via radio?

  • Are you willing to help with crowd control during parades?

  • How do you feel about driving large vehicles (such as a monorail or bus) filled with guests?

  • Have you ever dealt with large groups of people at one time?

  • Do you have experience transporting large groups of people?

  • How do you keep everyone on board safe?

  • Are you able to take charge and be a leader, even if it means being strict?

  • Can you drive/operate a vehicle/boat, or ever worked on s system like the monorail?

  1. Questions to ask you Interviewer

  • Have you done the DCP before?

  • How did you like it?

  • What was your role?

  • What was your experience like?

  • Did the program help you get a job/internship with Disney later on?

  • What is your favorite part about working for the Walt Disney Company?

  • Tell me about your Disney career?

  • Do you have any magical moments or experiences that you like to share?

  • How do classes work with the DCP?

  • Non-credit seminars?

  • What classes do you recommend?

  • How do we pick roommates?

  • Same arrival date?

  • Same departure date?

  • Where do our parents go for check-in?

  • What kind of qualities does Disney look for in its CPs?

  • Can you explain the Disney Look?

  • What kinds of prescription glasses are allowed?

  • Are sunglasses allowed?

  • When will I hear back about the status of my application?

  • If I audition for character performer and am offered a role, how does that effect my current status?

  • What are the character performer audition dates?

  • What is a campus representative? Where do you find out more about it? How do you become one? What makes you qualified to be one?

  • Do you know anything about Theme Park Presses and whom they offer publishing contracts to about writing on their DCP experience?

Well, I hope this helps you all!

Goodnight for now and have a Magical day (night?)!

- Alex


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