Sunday, February 22, 2015
You’ll have to forgive me, because I’m going to skip around a little bit. I’m going to try and blog in real (ish) time and then I’ll also try and go back to the past few weeks that I kinda skipped over. Among my now posts, I’ll go back to on-the-job training and such and my first few weeks of work.
So I was planning to write this blog earlier, while at work, but it definitely had a different attitude and direction initially. It now has multiple meanings, which I will happily explain, which makes me super happy because this particular blog has fallen into place perfectly.
So, please, just call me Cinderella because first, this past week has been filled with cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning…just without the help of any little animal friends. It started with us having to get the apartment ready for housing inspections.
Now, housing inspections began for The Commons on 2/19 and run until 3/5, so our inspection could be any time between those two dates. We have to make sure that we’re keeping up on everything and making sure that we take out the trash after we place like a whole two pieces in there (Can you feel the sarcasm seeping through your screen?!? lol) At this point, we’re still waiting on ours, but we took some time before the 19th to clean everything up again. We borrowed a vacuum from the Commons Clubhouse in attempt to de-dust our floors. Rachel and I vacuumed, then mopped, and then vacuumed again. It was a painstakingly long process, but it definitely helped a lot. Then we had our basic cleaning, such as our own bathrooms, the kitchen counters and table, as well as straightening up our rooms. I have to say that I am pretty proud of myself because my room has honestly not been too bad. It gets a little messy from time to time, usually sometime between a Wednesday and Sunday because I work straight through, but otherwise it does not hold a candle to what my room at home has previously looked like.
**In case you future CPs were wondering what kind of vacuums they rent out, I remembered to take a picture for you all. All you have to do is exchange your housing ID for the vacuum. Just make sure are going to be home the entire time because if you leave your housing complex while you still have the vacuum in your apartment, you won’t be able to get back in because…welp, no ID! And P.S., there’s no hose on it for the couches or for those vacuum sealed packing bags.**

In between work and cleaning the apartment, I went to my first housing event: Mardi Gras Grocery Bingo! I am sad to announce that I did not win, but it was definitely fun and I believe that the next one if St. Patrick’s Day themed and that I’m off again for it! Here’s to round two of grocery bingo! Oh, and for those of you that aren’t familiar with this lovely game, you sit in and play many rounds of bingo and if you win you get like 3 bags of various groceries for FREE…every CPs dream gifts…well at least one of them.

I also got myself out of bed relatively early the other morning in order to get over to the Outlet Mall as soon as it opened. I of course had to start out with Starbucks and then from there I was on a mission to find a colored, light blazer to wear to my informational interview with Campus Recruitment Manager, Jeff Hickman at Casting at 11:30am today! He’s actually a Temple STHM Alumni, which is one of the many reasons that I wanted to just sit down and talk with him. But anyway, ultimately, my mission failed and I couldn’t find what I was looking for. Instead, I got a shirt from The Loft for my interview after traveling the entire mall, but I did make it back to the apartment with just enough time to make lunch and get dressed to make the 13:00 A bus to work! Everything timed out perfectly that morning.
But now it’s time to get back to my Cinderella story. So part two’s coming at you….NOW! Tomorrow, the VP of Food & Beverage is rumored to be visiting so extra cleaning is took place at work tonight. I was out in the hallway scrubbing the doors and walls during my turn. Is this a Cinderella story or what!? But, Rachel and some of her friends from work stopped by to see me. Aren't we cute??

Now it's time to the best part, PART THREE! After work today, I changed in the tunnels and then went upstairs to meet up with Rachel and some of her coworkers to play in the parks for a few hours. This is actually the first day that I’ve gone right from work to the parks and that small action made me love my job and working at MK even more! But on my way to meet up with them I had for the first time, DUN DUN DUN DAAAHHHH…a Pineapple Dole Whip Float. This was a magical time for me.

After that Rachel, her coworkers, and I partied with the Incredibles and road Splash Mountain twice in a row without getting off. This is the ONLY ride I’ll do that’s somewhat like a roller coaster because of the drop, otherwise roller coasters are not for me. I completely hate that feeling you get in your stomach, which is why some others love them, aha! But the real story is what happened between those two events.
So prior to meeting up with me, Rachel and her friends saw the Electric Light Parade and when they waved to Prince Charming, he didn’t even see them. So we had to take advantage of the second parade of the night and try to get his attention. Sure enough, by the theatre on Main Street by the train station we were waving and screaming and he waved. Then someone shouted RUUUUNNN, I can’t remember whose idea it was, but all of a sudden the four of us were running to another spot along the parade route to wait for Prince Charming and his royal court to pass us by again. And yet again, he acknowledged to us as were waving and screaming like crazy. But right before he reached us this second time, we said we were done after that, well looks like we had spoken too soon and all of a sudden we were running again to our third spot along the route to wait for him again. This time though when he looked at us he help us three fingers and completely blew us away that he was now counting how many times he had seen us. Well that put us on a mission and we say Prince Charming and his royal court a total of 10 times along the parade route in one parade! I hope that no one else has previously done this so that they can all remember us! (: We even made friends, from afar of course, with Cinderella and the Fairy Godmother who drew hearts in the air and blew kisses our way; some of the dancers at the ball, and even the Coachman and one of the men parading the ballroom canopy around (he, in fact, was also counting the amount of times he had seen us along the way!). We can now say that we started at the beginning of the parade with the royal court and ended with them right in front of Splash Mountain. This will definitely be one of my favorite memories from being down here…I can already tell.
Look at me, finally living out my childhood dream of being Cinderella!

P.S. I have videos of Prince Charming and the Royal Court from the parade, but they're pretty shaky, but one day they'll be up too!