Day 4 – January 29, 2015
Alright, so there’s a few different times that you could find out when your Traditions class is. First, the original paper you receive at check-in may have all your information. My paper only had a date so I had to wait until Casting to find out more information about when my class was. This would be the second time, at Casting. Instead of merely finding out what time my Traditions class was, I was given an entirely new and separate bright yellow paper that noted that Disney changed my Traditions date to Thursday at 2:30 instead of on Friday. Apparently, due to the influx of new CPs this semester, they had to change Deanna’s date and mine as well. This paper had some information highlighted that I feel like I should pass along!
Time Options:
8:00am class/6:55am bus
2:30pm class/1:30pm bus
Vista Way – Board the bus at the Welcome Center
Chatham Square – Board the bus at the bus stop in front of the Chatham Clubhouse
Patterson Court – Follow Chatham Square directions
The Commons – Follow Chatham Square directions
Appearance Guildelines:
“Business casual”
NO t-shires, shorts, flip-flops, etc.

Government-issued photo ID (Passport, Driver’s License, State ID)
Program Guide
Now, despite the many rumors, Traditions is not a gazillion hours long. I promise! My Traditions class lasted between 5-6 hours. They do give you a break, do don’t worry; you’ll get a chance to stand up and stretch at some point! And I wish I could tell you all about what happens at Traditions, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise for when your own class comes around.

What I will mention though is “military time.” This is a warning for all future CPs. The Walt Disney Company is a 24-hour company, meaning that everything they schedule is done so in military time. So I wanted to take a second to shortly explain to you how that works (which you will also hear at Traditions and in one of your Operations classes).

Rule of thumb, if the number is greater than 12, than you must subtract 12.
Example: 15:30 = 15:30 - 12:00 = 3:30pm
What else I can mention is that you WILL get hungry at Traditions and you are allowed to eat and drink during the class. If you have a later Traditions times like I did, the café may be closed by the time you get a break so we only had the vending machines. However, I did pack my own lunch, so I was okay. Other people did not prepare to not buy and could only get a drink and a small snack to hold them over until they got home after class.
Traditions drained me a little bit, and I was so happy go back to Hayley’s nice home-cooked meal, which is the first of our family meals! Everything was all set up and ready for dinner as soon as I walked in door and the table was absolutely adorable. We had bbq chicken from the crock put, broccoli, roles, and homemade mashed potatoes (courtesy of Deanna!). It was so nice to have an actual meal and to see my roommates after my long day.