Day 2 - January 27, 2015
What is Casting??
Casting consists of background checks (finger printing), finishing your I-9 forms, and learning about an receiving your first schedule.
When is Casting??
Casting is generally held either in the late afternoon the day of your arrival (like Anna's was at 2pm) or the day after check-in. Casting on this day can be at a variety of times.
Where is Casting conducted and how to get there??
Casting is in it's own building, appropriately named, Casting. Whether or not you have a car, you are required to take the bus to casting. You can only take the specifically labeled 'Casting' bus form either Chatham or Vista Way.
What you need to bring to Casting??
Bring paper you’re given with your casting time from check-in
Program Guide
Photo ID
I-9 form
I-9 government-issued identification documents
**Your I-9 identification documents must be in their original form and not laminated. DO NOT FORGET TO BRING THEM TO FLORIDA. You can either look on the Disney programs site or look up the PDF of the actual I-9 documentation to see the option listings for what documents and combinations of documents are accepted.**
What to wear to Casting??
What ever you want, but you always want to try to abide by the Disney Look, though it is not required.
I won’t be the first or last to tell you, but Casting is not thrilling. You stand in a LOT of lines, which gets old very quickly. I of course got the classic golden statute picture in the lobby (which is the ONLY place you can take pictures in the building due to the amount of confidential paperwork around past that point); which is how Casting starts for pretty much everyone.

Each CP meets with a counselor-type person to process your I-9 form that you filled out at casting while another person explains to you how your first schedule works. Take this time to also ask any questions you have, specifically about Traditions and the Disney Look in regards to that. This is one of the last times to ask someone about it. After that you resign the confidentiality agreement and some more paperwork, followed by getting your fingerprints taken digitally. After that you’re in a room with a handful of other people and another cast member explains how many complimentary friends/family passes you get as well as informs you that you need to change your address on the Hub in order to have those passes and your main gate sent to your Florida address, rather than your home address. This is also a time to ask questions. From the sounds of it, the cast member running the short session was impressed that my group was not silent and actually asked questions about the program. Again, take this time to ask what you need to about the program, maybe clarify a Facebook CP page rumor or two as well.
After that I was done with Casting. I made sure to take a picture of the Alice in Wonderland doorknobs on my way out.

Now, I heard that different people did those steps in different orders, but that is the gist of what is done at the Casting prior to an additional testing needed: drug or language testing. Whether or not you signed up for a language test or need to be drug tested (dependent upon your role) is noted on the paper you’re given at check-in.
I think that my next post is going to be about housing, which can also has the potential to be scheduled on one of two days. Audrey's housing was scheduled for this day so we all sat out by the pool together at the Clubhouse until she had to leave for that. Then, later that night my roommates and I happily finished out the night with the first of many movie nights at home, starting with Tangled!