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* Alex's Adventures in Disney *

Disney College Program, Spring 2015

Sing A Song, A Travel Song!

So Sunday, January 25, 2015 finally came around and it was time to leave Bensalem and fly off to, I cannot believe I'm typing this, Orlando! I got up at 8:00am and both my parents, my grandma and her dog, and then my youngest sister, and my brother were all up waiting to say goodbye. It was definitely a tough morning for me. I hadn't slept much, it was way earlier than I wanted to be getting up, and it was the first time now living at home, which was the most thrilling, yet also the most scariest thought ever. I cried. I cried so much this morning. I cried as I put the notes I wrote for my family on their beds. I cried when I thought about leaving. And then of course cried when I had to say goodbye to everyone. To this moment, almost a week into my program, I still tear up a bit when I think about them.

Me, my mom, dad, and grandma left around 8:45am to go to PHL. I checked my bags outside and the first of my last goodbyes was to my dad. After I checked my bags, I started to cry so hard when I hugged him. I really can't explain all the emotions that were rushing through me. It was hard to let go and walk away.

And of course, once inside, there was NO line for security! My mom and grandma had planned on staying with me in line, but there wasn't any, which meant goodbyes right away. I really tried to hold it together, but I couldn't. I didn't want to let go even though that meant I got to go live in Disney World! I hugged my mom countless time and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do because my mom is my best friend for life!

And let me just tell you, if you're a crier like I am, and if your parents (or in this case mom and grandma) are waiting behind security to watch you walk away, do not, I repeat, DO NOT look back like I did (several times) because as soon as I composed myself, I looked back and got myself all worked up again!

As soon as I waved goodbye for the last time, I went straight to the bathroom so I could cry a little and read the note my mom had given me before I left. I knew that I just needed a second to cry and then compose myself without people staring at me in the airport, aha! After that I made my way down to where I had to board and stopped to get myself a strawberry banana smoothie and water on the way. My stomach was doing summersaults and eating was not a priority, so my smoothie was a good choice lol

It was oddly not strange to be sitting on a plane alone, even though it was my first time not flying with other people. We boarded right when my pass said we would and I luckily got a window seat and got to put my carry-on directly over me and not across the world! Luckily, my plane took off right on schedule, because a winter storm was coming PA’s way, which could’ve potentially messed up my trip plans if it had hit early. It was overall a decent flight, and I must say, my flight attendants were the funniest and most entertaining flight attendants that I’ve ever encountered!

“We known shift happens.” [In regards to shifting luggage.]

“Remember, no one loves you or your money…more than we do here at Southwest Airlines!”

**I would highly recommend Southwest for people flighing to the DCP because they give you 2 free checked bags under 50lbs. each. If you wanted to add additional luggage, you can add another bag on for $75. You are also allowed a carry-on additionally.**




Plane Entry: 01-25-15, 1:12pm

“So we’re beginning our decent currently. I feel like Mia at the end of Princess Diaries when she’s flying to Genovia for the first time! I am half expecting our entertaining flight attendants to say ‘look out the window’ in Joe’s voice and I would magically see Cinderella Castles, just like she saw her own castle!”

**If you’re scared or nervous to fly alone for the first time and get to a hotel afterwards, see if any of your roommates are planning on flying too. The three of us picked flight times, which were close to each other’s. We were then able to take a shuttle together over to the hotel we were staying at. This made u all less nervous about this whole day!**

We actually landed 20 minutes early; I went down to collect my baggage, and then to wait for Deanna and Rachel to land! In fact, both of them landed early as well (Rachel at 2:45 and Deanna at 3:10). Seeing them for the first time actually looked like we were reuniting because we were all so excited to finally meet each other in person!!

Our Journey to Finding Mears!

Rule #1: Don’t be afraid to ask for directions or put out $5 for a cart!

We learned that the hard way by trying to just go and we could barely make it a few steps without someone’s luggage falling over. AND we also went the wrong way, on the wrong floor even. Then eventually a guy with a cart stopped and realized that we were a little lost (looking around lol) and helped us find our way via the employee route since it was a shortcut! We were real thankful for that except for the fact that he left our luggage at the Mears check-in instead of waiting and helping us take it outside to where we actually had to catch the bus! The small trip from our ticket check-in to the bus stop was another long and painful struggle. My shoulders were not happy with me for any of this to say the least, aha!

**Look into a shuttle from the airport to your hotel instead of just assuming you’ll take a cab. Our shuttle tickets were just $22 a piece, which was nice!**

**Don’t forget to bring 1s and 5s for traveling to tip the people that help you with your luggage!**


The Holiday Inn Resort Orlando – Lake Buena Vista (13351 State Road, Orlando, FL 32821)

As soon as Deanna was accepted she made reservations for a hotel room and then Rachel, Audrey, and me were all getting there the same day after flying so we decided to go the cheaper route and split the room. Our price per person came out to $31, which was great! We met up with Audrey at the hotel and surprised her as she was eating her goldfish and sitting in the kid’s movie theatre connected to the lobby! Our good friend, Homer, helped us up to our room and unloaded our luggage from his cart. The site of our luggage, for just 4 girls, was pretty funny! We then spent a majority of late afternoon watching YouTube videos and snacking. And of course, magically, an Applebee’s was the restaurant that was attached to the hotel. I can’t seem to get away from it! So of course we had to eat there and I played server for my table, sadly, and helped everyone pick what they wanted lol (I would just like to say that being in there made me miss all my Applebuddies and that my fiesta chicken salad was not nearly as good as it is in Bensalem!)

Hayley came over a little later and we all talked until it was time to go to bed.

I can’t remember the last time I went to bed this early either, ahahaa!!



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