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* Alex's Adventures in Disney *

Disney College Program, Spring 2015

Roommate Survey!

Hello again, everyone!

So, I've already fallen into the DCP Facebook group trap, despite everyone's warning to wait to join one. But, the deed it done. I joined two. Yes, you heard me, TWO. With that said, people are already starting to post roommate surveys since no one knows what to do to fill the HUGE void until October. I am also finding myself in that same situation because I can't even, and don't even, want to tell you how many times I've already refreshed by Dash...even though my phone interview was just yesterday! So to kill that time, at least for the last hour, I jumped on the early bandwagon and filled out my roommate survey, and here it is!


Name: Alex Mottershead

Nickname: It’s just Alex...only my parents call me Alexandra lol

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Relationship Status: Single

Religion: technically Christian

Birthday/Age: January 12, 1994/20

Current Location: Bensalem, PA

From: Bensalem, PA

School: Temple University, Main Campus (Philadelphia, PA)

Major: Tourism & Hospitality Mgmt.

Minor: General Business

Allergies: Nope

Siblings: 3 actual siblings: Nichole (18), Jake (13), Kaitlyn (10) & then Christina (19) who has practically adopted herself into the family lol

Job: Server at Applebee's, Community theatre choreographer


Are you applying for WDW or DL? WDW

Flying or Driving? My license test is in a few weeks, so HOPEFULLY driving

Top 3 Roles? Character Performer/Attendant, Full Service Food & Bev, Concierge

What program are you applying for? Spring/Spring Advantage 2015

Do you want to live in Wellness or Non-Wellness? I'll be 21 for the DCP so either (though I'm NOT a drinker)

How many people do you want to live with? 3-5 other girls

Which housing complex would you like to live in? Chatham, Patterson, or the Commons (free laundry!!!)

Alumni? Nope. Hopefully one day though!

Are you taking classes through your school? Are you looking to take a seminar/classes through the DCP? I hope I'll be able to take at least one seminar. Disney Heritage sounds awesome, but I know it fills up really fast.


Do you party? Nahh

Do you smoke? No, not my thing at all

Do you drink? Nahh, but I will turn 21 right before the DCP so I would at least to legally try at least one drink in EPCOT!

Can you cook? A few basic things..baking is more my thing!

Are you a night person or morning person? Night person

Do you snore? Nope

Be honest, how annoying is your alarm clock? Honestly, pretty damn annoying. I tend to have a lot of alarms.

What does your bedroom normally look like? I attempt to keep it clean, but I have a habit of getting clothes every where when I'm trying to get dressed because I'm so indecisive lol My room is light blue with lots of quotes, has a HUGE mural of the Brooklyn Bridge, a poster of Starry Night, and lots of candles!

Do you like it when your room is hot or cold? I'm ALWAYS cold, but I end up keeping my room a bit colder

How do you handle a bug situation? Ehh, not too great. Depends on the bug lol

Toilet paper. Over or Under? Over..though this is definitely not a deal breaker lol

Showers. Mornings of Nights? Every morning

Would you rather go out or stay in? Depends. I love getting out of the house and exploring new places, but being home and watching movies and such is great too.

What do you like to do on your days off/the weekend? Go out, read, movies, always listen to music (of all kinds), watch Disney YouTube videos, nap, dance, sing, write

Do you work out a lot? I wish I did but I can never get myself motivated enough..

Will we sing obnoxiously together? Absolutely!


Three words that describe you: Creative, honest, hard-working

One good quality: Loyal

One bad quality: Majorly indecisive

Are you outgoing or quiet? It takes me a little bit to open up to people, so I'm shy at first, but I will open up and be a total weirdo (:

Do you like hanging out with people or keeping to yourself? Both!

What would you want in a roommate? I am NOT a partier at all, but I love to spend time with my friends, so I'm looking for someone just like that too. I want someone who I can just sit around and not have to say anything to keep from feeling awkward. I want a roommate who will accept that I want music playing pretty much 24/7, who will do pinterest crafts with me, and who will go on lots of adventures!

What are your biggest pet peeves/dislikes? Dishonesty

Are you messy or organized? I try to be organized, but I tend to be a little on the messier side honestly

How do you feel about sharing? As long as you return it in the same condition after I'm all about it

Do you like having people over a lot? Sometimes, sometimes not

Favorite things to do: Crafts, sing, dance, listen to music, read, write, go on adventures, shop (online shopping too!)

Favorite Music Genre: Pretty much anything aside from rap and some hip hip. I'll put it out there now, I am not a Beyonce fan.

Favorite TV Shows: White Collar, Chuck, Mixology, Suits, Scooby Doo, Friends, Full House, the Food Network, Disney of course!

Favorite Movies: What's Your Number, Harry Potter, Ferris Bueller, Pitch Perfect, The Proposal, Sherlock Holmes, Sydney White, Another Cinderella Story, Meet The Robinsons, Pocahontas, Tangled, Hunger Games, Transformers

Favorite Food: French Fries, Chips & Salsa

Favorite Candy: Sour Patch Watermelon

Favorite Drink: Seltzer Water

Favorite Color: Blue!


Favorite Character: I can't pick!

Favorite Princess(es): Ariel, Belle, Rapunzel

Favorite Prince: Flynn Rider

Favorite Villain: Goob aka Bowler Hat Guy

Favorite Movies: Pocahontas, Meet The Robinsons, Tangled

Favorite Disney Channel Show: Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Kim Possible

Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom

Favorite Ride: Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin, Soarin’

Favorite Show: Fantasmic & The Lion King show

5 Random Facts About Yourself:

1) My favorite painting is Starry Night.

2) I am terrified of roller coasters but I love water rides.

3) I have an obsession with buying candles and nail polish.

4) I've been involved with musical theatre for 11 years.

5) If I get accepted, the DCP will be my first time living away from home!

Social Media

Twitter: @_Alexandra_Lynn

Instagram: @_Alexandra_Lynn

DCP Blog:

Youtube DCP Vlog:

Let me know how you all plan on killing all this dead time!

Have A Magical day!



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