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* Alex's Adventures in Disney *

Disney College Program, Spring 2015

My Phone Interview & Some TIPS!


Okay, enough with my intense capitalization. It's time to curb my excitment for the time being and to tell you all about how my phone interview went- in particular, all the questions y interviewer asked me. So let's get started!

  1. My interviewer called exactly at 1:15pm, which was my scheduled interview time. Her name was Diane and she was so lovely and nice, and definitely happy!

  2. First she went over a few things from my application to make sure they still stood true. She double checked on my session preference and park preference, along with whether or not I've ever worked for Disney, along with a few other questions.

  3. Then we talked about housing. If I've ever lived in a dorm situation and how I would handle roommate issues.

  4. How would Disney help me in the future and how would the program benefit me?

  5. Is there any volunteer work that I didn't mention in my application.

  6. What is the best job I've ever had. (since I've had multiple jobs listed)

  7. What is the most difficult part of a job I've ever had?

  8. Do I prefer working in a quick or slower paced envrionment?

  9. How do I get through a busy or stressful night at work? (since I'm a server)

  10. How do I remain attentive during slow times at work?

  11. Do I prefer to work in a team or alone?

  12. Since there's a chance I could be working outdoors, would I be okay with that?

  13. How do I feel about standing for long amounts of time?

  14. Can I comply with the Disney Look?

  15. Do I have an piercings, tattoos, etc. that cannot be covered up by a one-piece bathing suit?

  16. Do I have my driver's license?

  17. Since I indicated an interest in Character Performer, was I aware that there is a mandatory, extra process to be considered for one of those roles?

  18. How would I greet a guest?

  19. How would I solve a guest issue?

  20. How would I stay calm in and handle an emergency situation?

  21. How do I feel about cleaning up after guests?

  22. Explain my interst in Full Service and Quick-Service Food and Beverage.

  23. Am I comfortable handling cash?

  24. If I were a character attendent and Tiger had to leave, what would I tell the kids?

  25. ***What are the TOP 2 roles that I am QUALIFIED for?

  26. If I were at the front desk and a guest asked me for a restuarant, what would I say?

  27. Would I be okay memorizing a spiel and speaking in front of lots of people?

  28. Will I be able to fully perform any duty I've applied for without any assistance?

So the rumours are true! The program is now focusing on what roles you are QUALIFIED for. I was completely shocked though and she caught me off-guard when she only asked me for two though. (I picked Character Performer and Full Service Food & Beverage.) I got lucky with this entire shift though. My top 3 were the 3 I was most qualified for so we didn't spend as much time dwelling on that because my application clearly supported my claims. We focued more on how I'd react in certain situations. It was actually really awesome, because she answered some of my questions for me, about that I'm clearly comfortable standing for a long time and handling cash since I'm a server. The entire process was stress-free and I felt completely prepared since I'd gone over 90% of these questions in my research!

After Diane finished the interview part she told me that most of the hiring will be done in LATE OCTOBER! (Yep folks, we've got to wait until the end of October to hear back from Disney!) She said that out Dash will have any updates for us. She also mentioned that if you are auditioning for a Character Performer position in addition, you should ACCEPT any role that you are offered initally. Since auditons are also in October, your status with the company and auditions will coinside a bit. So accecpt any role you are given within the time frame and then if you are offered a Character Performer role after that, Disney will just change you information on your Dash for you. It is important that you DON'T WAIT to hear back about your audition and miss out on accpeting another role.

So then I got a chance to ask her a few questions:

  1. What are the locations of the auditions or where can I find out?

  • She said to keep checking the website because it may not be listed yet since dates were just released. Diane also said that if I CANNOT find the location anywhere to call the following number: 1 - 800 - 722 - 2930

  1. How did you get your start with Disney?

  • Diane actually started with the DCP and she said it was amazing and magical. She also said that she went in as a communications major and ended up switching her major to Tourism & Hospitality Mgmt. after her program and she applied to work for DIsney just 5 days after her graduation!

  1. ​What is the campus representative program and where can I found out more information?

  • The Campus Rep program is kinda obsolete at this point because of social media and has moved to more of an Alumni Association.

  1. If I am extended a role, are you suppoed to choose roomates with the same ARRIVAL or DEPARTURE date?

  • Arrival date.

So now, for some tips!

  • Research ahead of time. Knowing that I had previously thought out a response to most of the questions I was asked really helped me and made me more comforatble and of course prepared!

  • Have some notes in front of you in case you get tongue-tied.

  • Have a bottle of water with you.

  • Have a pen and paper handy. Write down her name and any information you want to remember.

  • Answer the phone by saying "hello this is ____" so you're interviewer knows right away that they have the right person.

  • Smile. Do not underestimate this, even if it is a phone interview. You can hear a difference.

  • Have a quiet spot to conduct your interview, without any interruptions. (Put a sign on your door like I did so no one entered.)

  • A least brush your teeth, change out of pajamas, do you hair or make-up, or something so that you feel more presentable. I'm not saying look business casual or even professional, I'm just saying fix youself up a little to boost your confidence.

  • Use your interviewers name at least once, but don't over do it. This shows that you were paying attention and gives you a more personal connection to your interviewer.

  • Make sure you have a few questions to ask at the end of the interview to show you are serious about getting this internship and that you want to learn more about the program and the company.

Just so you know, my previous blog post has a HUGE compilation of sample questions, which is what I studied from. I will also eventually start my vlog series, which is linked under my CONNECT tab! Good luck to everyone who is currently taking and about to take their phone interviews! Let me know what you're asked and how yours went!

As always, Have A Magical Day!

- Alex


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