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* Alex's Adventures in Disney *

Disney College Program, Spring 2015

WBI & Scheduling Your Phone Intervew

Alright, so I had work all day otherwise I would have posted about the web-based interview earlier. I took my WBI mad early this morning (during my most recent bought of insomnia), but here's the jist of how it all unfolds.

Web-Based Interview:

  1. I received my "DCP: Immediate Action Required Web-Based Interview" email at 10:48pm. It tells you that you have 3 days to complete this interview and it links you to the site for the WBI.

  2. The WBI asks a lot about you, your work ethic, and how you handle certain situations. You have to rate your level of agreement (Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Stronly Agree). List on the initial application, BE HONEST! Of course, don't say that you're always late, but be honest about who you are and your opinions. You want to make sure your answers match up with what you may talk about during your phone interview and also with other differnently worded questions (on the WBI) asking basically the same question...again.

  3. You also want to remember that most of the sections are timed! Yes people, they are timed. I do know that one of the sections is 50 seconds per question, and then the following section is 20 seconds per question. Don't get discouraged if you miss one, but don't have Facebook and Twitter, etc. up as well because you don't want to be distracted during the timed sections.

  4. I've read a lot of blogs and watched a lot of vlogs where people have said not to click the neutral options, but honestly, I did select that option a handful of times and I did pass. Choose wisely which questions you use the neutral option for because Disney doesn't want to see that you don't have an opinion on ANY of their topics.

  5. My WBI was started at 11:24pm and took me only 18 minutes (ending at 11:42pm).

  6. You are notified at the end of the WBI if you have made it past that round of interviews. The final screen said that it takes approximately 24 hours before you can schedule your phone interview, but recieved my "DCP: Schedule Phone Interview" email at 12:12am...a LOT less than 24 hours. This email prompts you to schedule your time.

Scheduling Your Phone Interview:

  1. Alright, when scheduling your phone interview you want to make sure that you're using a computer because the program is NOT compadible with any phone.

  2. Remember to click which time-zone you are in because the times are automatically synced with Eastern Standard Time.

  3. Check your calendar and make you you have about an hour scheduled out for the phone interview. Your interviewer can call up to 15 minutes before or after your scheduled time, so make sure the time you pick works for you.

  4. You can change you time later on through the Dashboard if needed.

  5. You can also check when you scheduled you interview for under the "Registered/Upcoming" section on your Dashboard (the bottom right-hand corner).

  6. After I picked and submitted my time, which is this Thursday, August 28 @ 1:15! I only have classes MWF this semester so I'm home all day Tuesdays and Thursdays so I'm probably going to be sitting in my room freaking out beforehand, waiting for their call!

  7. After that I received my "DCP: Phone Interview Confirmation" email at 12:28am, showing that my submission went through!

I honestly cannot believe that I am actually typing about my OWN application process for the DCP! I've read sooooo many blogs and watched way toooo many videos documenting other peoples' stories and applications that it's completely unreal that it's finally my turn. I am already continuously checking my Dash, even though I know nothing new will be there yet lol.

But anyway, I'm gonna go pack my bag for the first day of classes tomorrow, maybe straighten up my room (since I've yet to begin unpacking from vacation), and try and conqure the DMV site. I am currently attempting to schedule my driver's license test (finally!), but there's NOTHING at any reasonable date...we'll see how this goes and I'll update you if that all works out [hopefully] soon.

But, until next time, Have A Magical Day!

- Alex

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